Agenda - Petitions Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd

Meeting date: 15 October 2019

Meeting time: 09.15
For further information contact:

Graeme Francis - Committee Clerk

Ross Davies – Deputy Clerk

0300 200 6565



1       Introduction, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

                                                                                                   (Pages 1 - 33)



2       New petitions




2.1     P-05-895 Rosa's Legacy Introduce a scheme to help people access veterinary care for their companion animals

                                                                                                 (Pages 34 - 44)



2.2     P-05-900 Look into the way parents are being treated by public services

                                                                                                 (Pages 45 - 54)



3       Updates to previous petitions




Economy and Transport




3.1     P-05-738 Public Petition for the Dinas Powys By-Pass

                                                                                                 (Pages 55 - 61)



3.2     P-05-851 Remove time restrictions on the layby to the east of Crickhowell

                                                                                                 (Pages 62 - 64)



3.3     P-05-885 Accessible and Inclusive Public Transport for Citizens with Learning Disabilities in Wales

                                                                                                 (Pages 65 - 69)



Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs




3.4     P-05-743 End the Exotic Pet Trade in Wales

                                                                                                 (Pages 70 - 72)







3.5     P-05-862 Tackling school bullying

                                                                                                 (Pages 73 - 86)



The following two items will be considered together




3.6     P-05-757 Remove the Obligation on Schools to Hold Acts of Religious Worship

                                                                                                 (Pages 87 - 89)



3.7     P-05-765 Keeping Current Guidelines for Religious Assemblies

                                                                                                           (Page 90)



Public Services




3.8     P-05-865 Guarantee fully plant-based options on every public sector menu to protect the rights of vegans and for our health, the environment and animals

                                                                                               (Pages 91 - 145)



Welsh Language




3.9     P-05-873 Free Welsh Lessons for the People of Wales

                                                                                             (Pages 146 - 148)







3.10 P-05-863 Call on the Welsh Government to provide free sanitary products to all women in low income households

                                                                                                         (Page 149)



3.11 P-05-871 Make baby and toddler changing available in both male/female toilets

                                                                                             (Pages 150 - 152)



Health and Social Services




3.12 P-05-724 Rights to Primary Health Care in Welsh

                                                                                             (Pages 153 - 163)



3.13 P-05-732 Unacceptable Waiting Times for NHS patients in A & E Wrecsam/Wrexham Maelor Hospital

                                                                                             (Pages 164 - 168)



3.14 P-05-751 Recognition of Parental Alienation

                                                                                             (Pages 169 - 204)



3.15 P-05-870 Let’s Get Every Young Heart Screened (Age 10-35)

                                                                                             (Pages 205 - 215)



3.16 P-05-892 Appoint a Learning Disability Commissioner for Wales

                                                                                             (Pages 216 - 219)





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